#100DaysOfCode Challenge — Part1

Thomas Roccia
Published in
20 min readAug 30, 2020

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

The #100DaysOfCode is a challenge that has been created in 2016. This is a self-directed commitment by developers to build strong and consistent coding habits. The goal of this challenge is basically to improve coding skills.

While I am also coding during my daily work, I decided to take on this challenge to devote time to learning new languages and to make more progress on different projects that I am working on. It’s also the kind of challenge I like to take on to push the boundaries and move forward. 🤓

I work in the field of Cybersecurity, although the projects I will be working on will mainly focus on this area, they will not be limited to this field and some work may be devoted to other topics. Feel free to follow me on this journey via Twitter or Medium to see the kinds of things I will be sharing.

More details can be found here: https://www.100daysofcode.com/.


The challenge follows one simple rule:

  • Code for a minimum of one hour each day for the next 100 days.

In addition to that rule I will try to document every days of the challenge in this medium page.

What do I plan to work on?

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